Home Assistant is a home automation platform that has many integrations. It can be used to control lights, fans, thermostats, cameras, and many other devicesn
home-assistant from bjw-s is more popular with 90 repositories.
Install with:
helm repo add k8s-at-home-charts https://k8s-at-home.com/charts/
helm install home-assistant k8s-at-home-charts/home-assistant -f values.yaml
See examples from other people.
Name | Repo | Stars | Version | Timestamp |
home-assistant | pascaliske/infrastructure | 64 | 13.4.2 | 6 days ago |
home-assistant | gandazgul/k8s-infrastructure | 49 | 11.1.0 | 13 days ago |
See the most popular values for this chart:
Key | Types |
image.tag (8) 2025.1.4 | string |
image.repository (7) ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant | string |
image.pullPolicy (2) Always | string |
boolean | |
persistence.config.existingClaim (4) home-assistant-config-v1 | string |
string | |
string | |
persistence.config.subPath (2) configs/hass | string |
string | |
persistence.config.hostPath (1) ${PATH_HOME}/home-assistant | string |
persistence.config.volumeSpec.hostPath.path (1) /home/elraro/home-ops/volumes/home-assistant/config | string |
boolean | |
string | |
persistence.ha-configuration.mountPath (1) /config/init_config/ | string |
persistence.ha-configuration.name (1) ha-configuration | string |
boolean | |
persistence.ha-configuration.subPath[].mountPath (1) /config/configuration.yaml | string |
persistence.ha-configuration.subPath[].path (1) configuration.yaml | string |
persistence.ha-configuration.volumeSpec.configMap.name (1) home-assistant-configs | string |
boolean | |
persistence.config-sync.mountPath (1) /config-sync | string |
persistence.config-sync.type (1) emptyDir | string |
boolean | |
persistence.ha-automation.subPath[].mountPath (1) /config/automations.yaml | string |
persistence.ha-automation.subPath[].path (1) automations.yaml | string |
string | |
persistence.ha-automation.volumeSpec.configMap.name (1) home-assistant-configs | string |
boolean | |
persistence.ha-customize.subPath[].mountPath (1) /config/customize.yaml | string |
persistence.ha-customize.subPath[].path (1) customize.yaml | string |
string | |
persistence.ha-customize.volumeSpec.configMap.name (1) home-assistant-configs | string |
boolean | |
persistence.ha-secrets.subPath[].mountPath (1) /config/secrets.yaml | string |
persistence.ha-secrets.subPath[].path (1) secrets.yaml | string |
string | |
persistence.ha-secrets.volumeSpec.configMap.name (1) ha-configmap-secret | string |
boolean | |
persistence.secrets.mountPath (1) /config/secrets.yaml | string |
persistence.secrets.name (1) secrets | string |
persistence.secrets.subPath (1) secrets.yaml | string |
string | |
boolean | |
persistence.usb.hostPath (1) /dev/ttyACM0 | string |
persistence.usb.type (1) hostPath | string |
env.TZ (7) America/New_York | string |
env.PYTHONPATH (1) /usr/local/lib/python3.12:/config/deps | string |
hostNetwork (6) true | boolean |
boolean | |
ingress.main.hosts[].host (5) home-assistant.${SECRET_DOMAIN} | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
ingress.main.annotations."forecastle.stakater.com/icon" (1) https://${HASS_SUBDOMAIN}.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN_NAME}/static/icons/favicon-192x192.png | string |
string | |
string | |
ingress.main.annotations."traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.middlewares" (1) networking-traefik-forward-auth@kubernetescrd | string |
string | |
string | |
ingress.main.tls[].hosts[] (3) - home-assistant.${SECRET_DOMAIN} | string |
ingress.main.tls[].secretName (2) internal-ingress-cert | string |
string | |
boolean | |
boolean | |
metrics.prometheusRule.rules[].alert (1) HomeAssistantAbsent | string |
metrics.prometheusRule.rules[].annotations.description (1) Home Assistant has disappeared from Prometheus service discovery. | string |
metrics.prometheusRule.rules[].annotations.summary (1) Home Assistant is down. | string |
metrics.prometheusRule.rules[].expr (1) absent(up{job=~".*home-assistant.*"} == 1)
| string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
metrics.serviceMonitor.bearerTokenSecret.name (2) monitoring-auth | string |
string | |
string | |
addons.codeserver.args[] (3) - --auth | string |
boolean | |
string | |
string | |
addons.codeserver.volumeMounts[].subPath (1) automations.yaml | string |
boolean | |
addons.codeserver.ingress.hosts[].host (2) configs.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN_NAME} | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
addons.codeserver.ingress.annotations."forecastle.stakater.com/icon" (1) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coder/code-server/main/src/browser/media/pwa-icon-512.png | string |
string | |
string | |
addons.codeserver.ingress.annotations."traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.middlewares" (1) networking-internal-only@kubernetescrd | string |
string | |
addons.codeserver.ingress.tls[].hosts[] (1) - configs.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN_NAME} | string |
addons.codeserver.ingress.tls[].secretName (1) internal-ingress-cert | string |
string | |
addons.codeserver.env.TZ (1) ${TIMEZONE} | string |
addons.codeserver.image.repository (1) docker.io/codercom/code-server | string |
string | |
dnsPolicy (3) ClusterFirstWithHostNet | string |
number | |
boolean | |
number | |
number | |
boolean | |
number | |
number | |
service.main.type (3) LoadBalancer | string |
string | |
service.main.loadBalancerIP (2) ${METALLB_HOME_ASSISTANT_ADDR} | string |
service.main.annotations."metallb.universe.tf/allow-shared-ip" (1) home-assistant-sharedip | string |
service.main.loadBalancerIP: (1) ${METALLB_HOME_ASSISTANT_ADDR} | string |
service.otherudp.annotations."metallb.universe.tf/allow-shared-ip" (1) home-assistant-sharedip | string |
boolean | |
service.otherudp.loadBalancerIP (1) ${SVC_HOMEASSISTANT_ADDR} | string |
service.otherudp.name (1) home-assistant-udp | string |
boolean | |
number | |
string | |
number | |
boolean | |
service.otherudp.type (1) LoadBalancer | string |
envFrom[].secretRef.name (2) homeassistant-secrets | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
boolean | |
securityContext.capabilities.add[] (1) - NET_ADMIN | string |
additionalContainers.sync-config.env[].name (1) GITSYNC_MAX_FAILURES | string |
string | |
additionalContainers.sync-config.image (1) ghcr.io/pascaliske/home-assistant:main | string |
string | |
additionalContainers.sync-config.volumeMounts[].mountPath (1) /config | string |
additionalContainers.sync-config.volumeMounts[].name (1) config | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
boolean | |
controller.type (1) deployment | string |
controllerType (1) deployment | string |
string | |
env[].value (1) ${TIMEZONE} | string |
imagePullSecrets[].name (1) github-registry | string |
influxdb.architecture (1) standalone | string |
boolean | |
influxdb.database (1) home_assistant | string |
influxdb.enabled (1) false | boolean |
boolean | |
initContainers.init-config.env[].name (1) GITSYNC_ONE_TIME | string |
string | |
initContainers.init-config.image (1) ghcr.io/pascaliske/home-assistant:main | string |
string | |
initContainers.init-config.volumeMounts[].mountPath (1) /config | string |
initContainers.init-config.volumeMounts[].name (1) config | string |
initContainers.load-configuration.command[] (1) - sh | string |
string | |
string | |
number | |
initContainers.load-configuration.volumeMounts[].mountPath (1) /config/ | string |
initContainers.load-configuration.volumeMounts[].name (1) config | string |
initContainers.update-hacs.command[] (1) - sh | string |
string | |
initContainers.update-hacs.imagePullPolicy (1) IfNotPresent | string |
string | |
string | |
mariadb.architecture (1) standalone | string |
mariadb.auth.database (1) home-assistant | string |
mariadb.auth.password (1) home-assistant-pass | string |
mariadb.auth.rootPassword (1) home-assistantrootpass | string |
mariadb.auth.username (1) home-assistant | string |
mariadb.enabled (1) false | boolean |
boolean | |
podAnnotations."secret.reloader.stakater.com/reload" (1) home-assistant-secrets | string |
boolean | |
postgresql.image.repository (1) bitnami/postgresql | string |
postgresql.image.tag (1) 14.4.0 | string |
boolean | |
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase (1) home-assistant | string |
postgresql.postgresqlPassword (1) home-assistant-pass | string |
postgresql.postgresqlUsername (1) home-assistant | string |
boolean | |
boolean | |
boolean |