Thanos is an open-source project that provides a highly available and horizontally scalable way to store and query time-series data in a Kubernetes cluster. It integrates with popular time-series databases, such as Prometheus, to provide a unified view of your monitoring and logging data. Thanos also provides features such as data compression and deduplication, making it an efficient solution for storing large amounts of time-series data. With Thanos, you can easily store, query, and analyze your home lab's monitoring and logging data, providing valuable insights into the performance and health of your applications.
thanos from registry-1.docker is more popular with 20 repositories.
Install with:
helm repo add stevehipwell oci://
helm install thanos stevehipwell/thanos -f values.yaml
See examples from other people.
Name | Repo | Stars | Version | Timestamp |
thanos | ishioni/homelab-ops | 124 | 1.19.2 | 18 days ago |
thanos | haraldkoch/kochhaus-home | 131 | 1.19.2 | 2 months ago |
thanos | larivierec/home-cluster | 104 | 1.19.2 | 2 months ago |
See the most popular values for this chart:
Key | Types |
additionalEndpoints[] (15) - dnssrv+_grpc._tcp.kube-prometheus-stack-thanos-discovery.monitoring.svc.cluster.local | string |
additionalReplicaLabels[] (15) - __replica__ | string |
boolean | |
boolean | |
boolean | |
string | |
compact.persistence.storageClass (14) openebs-hostpath | string |
compact.extraArgs[] (13) - --compact.concurrency=4 | string |
compact.extraFlags[] (1) - --compact.concurrency=4 | string |
number | |
query.extraArgs[] (13) - --alert.query-url=https://thanos.${SECRET_DOMAIN} | string |
query.additionalStores[] (6) - thanos-storegateway.monitoring:10901 | string |
boolean | |
string | |
boolean | |
boolean | |
queryFrontend.ingress.hosts[] (14) - thanos.${SECRET_DOMAIN} | string |
string | |
queryFrontend.ingress.tls[].hosts[] (9) - thanos.${SECRET_DOMAIN} | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
queryFrontend.ingress.annotations."" (1) | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
queryFrontend.ingress.annotations."" (1), | string |
queryFrontend.ingress.annotations."" (1) https://thanos.${SECRET_DOMAIN}/$escaped_request_uri | string |
number | |
queryFrontend.extraArgs[] (13) - --query-range.response-cache-config=$(THANOS_CACHE_CONFIG) | string |
queryFrontend.extraEnv[].name (13) THANOS_CACHE_CONFIG | string |
string | |
queryFrontend.extraEnv[] (13) thanos-cache-configmap | string |
queryFrontend.podAnnotations."" (13) thanos-cache-configmap | string |
string | |
rule.alertmanagersConfig.value (14) alertmanagers:
- api_version: v2
- dnssrv+_http-web._tcp.alertmanager-operated.observability.svc.cluster.local | string |
boolean | |
rule.extraArgs[] (14) - --web.prefix-header=X-Forwarded-Prefix | string |
number | |
rule.rules.value (14) groups:
- name: PrometheusWatcher
- alert: PrometheusDown
summary: A Prometheus has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery
expr: absent(up{job="kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus"})
for: 5m
severity: critical | string |
boolean | |
string | |
rule.persistence.storageClass (13) openebs-hostpath | string |
boolean | |
string | |
storeGateway.persistence.storageClass (13) openebs-hostpath | string |
number | |
storeGateway.extraArgs[] (12) - --index-cache.config=$(THANOS_CACHE_CONFIG) | string |
storeGateway.extraEnv[].name (12) THANOS_CACHE_CONFIG | string |
string | |
storeGateway.extraEnv[] (12) thanos-cache-configmap | string |
storeGateway.podAnnotations."" (12) thanos-cache-configmap | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
boolean | |
string | |
objstoreConfig.value.config.endpoint (5) minio.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:9000 | string |
string | |
boolean | |
objstoreConfig.key (3) objstore.yml | string | (3) thanos-objstore-secret | string |
boolean | |
string | |
objstoreConfig.config.endpoint (1) | string |
objstoreConfig.config.region (1) us-east-1 | string |
string | |
boolean | |
compactor.extraArgs[] (1) - --compact.concurrency=4 | string |
string | |
boolean | |
string | |
compactor.persistence.storageClass (1) local-hostpath | string |