No introduction found. Create it?
Install with:
helm repo add bjw-s oci://
helm install homer bjw-s/app-template -f values.yaml
See examples from other people.
Name | Repo | Stars | Version | Timestamp |
homer | vaskozl/home-infra | 88 | 3.6.0 | 3 days ago |
homer | Pumba98/flux2-gitops | 51 | 3.6.0 | 3 days ago |
See the most popular values for this chart:
Key | Types |
persistence.config.globalMounts[].path (4) /www/assets/config.yml | string |
string | |
boolean | | (4) homer-config | string |
persistence.config.type (4) configMap | string |
boolean | |
persistence.config.existingClaim (1) homer-config | string |
persistence.config.mountPath (1) /www/assets | string |
persistence.assets.existingClaim (1) local-volume-self-hosted | string |
persistence.assets.globalMounts[].path (1) /www/assets | string |
string | |
number | |
number | |
boolean | |
number | |
string | |
string | |
boolean | |
boolean | |
number | |
number | |
string | |
service.main.loadBalancerIP (1) | string |
service.main.type (1) LoadBalancer | string |
string | |
number | | (2) | string | (2) v24.12.1@sha256:4b44a4a9e3294ccef756275271342661c389ae2936e71ac96b911a139de57757 | string |
boolean | |
boolean | |
boolean | |
number | |
number | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
boolean | |
string | |
boolean | |
number | |
string | |
boolean | |
number | |
controllers.homer.type (1) deployment | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
controllers.main.containers.main.env[].name (1) TZ | string |
controllers.main.containers.main.env[].value (1) ${TIMEZONE} | string, number |
boolean | |
boolean | |
boolean | |
number | |
number | |[].host (2) homer.${DOMAIN_NAME} | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |"" (1) network-system-authelia-auth@kubernetescrd | string | (1) traefik | string |
ingress.main.hosts[].host (2) homer.${SECRET_DOMAIN} | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
ingress.main.tls[].hosts[] (2) - homer.${SECRET_DOMAIN} | string |
ingress.main.tls[].secretName (2) homer-tls | string |
ingress.main.annotations."" (1) letsencrypt-production | string |
string | |
string | |
ingress.main.annotations."" (1) https://auth.${SECRET_DOMAIN} | string |
ingress.main.annotations."" (1) http://authelia.networking.svc.cluster.local/api/authz/auth-request | string |
string | |
ingress.main.className (1) nginx-external | string |
boolean | |
string | |"config.yml" (1) ---
# Homepage configuration
# See for icons options
title: "Home Cluster Dashboard"
subtitle: "Kubernetes Cluster"
logo: "logo.png"
# icon: "fas fa-skull-crossbones" # Optional icon
header: true
footer: '<p>Created with <span class="has-text-danger">❤️</span> with <a href="">bulma</a>, <a href="">vuejs</a> & <a href="">font awesome</a> // Fork me on <a href=""><i class="fab fa-github-alt"></i></a></p>' # set false if you want to hide it.
# Optional theme customization
theme: default
highlight-primary: "#3367d6"
highlight-secondary: "#4285f4"
highlight-hover: "#5a95f5"
background: "#f5f5f5"
card-background: "#ffffff"
text: "#363636"
text-header: "#ffffff"
text-title: "#303030"
text-subtitle: "#424242"
card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
link-hover: "#363636"
highlight-primary: "#3367d6"
highlight-secondary: "#4285f4"
highlight-hover: "#5a95f5"
background: "#131313"
card-background: "#2b2b2b"
text: "#eaeaea"
text-header: "#ffffff"
text-title: "#fafafa"
text-subtitle: "#f5f5f5"
card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
link-hover: "#ffdd57"
# Optional message
style: "is-dark" # See for styling options.
title: "Service List"
icon: "fa fa-grin"
content: "This is a list of all services available in our home. <br /> Find more information on <a href=''></a>"
# Optional navbar
# links: [] # Allows for navbar (dark mode, layout, and search) without any links
- name: "Contribute"
icon: "fab fa-github"
url: ""
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "Wiki"
icon: "fas fa-book"
url: ""
# Services
# First level array represent a group.
# Leave only a "items" key if not using group (group name, icon & tagstyle are optional, section separation will not be displayed).
- name: "Media"
icon: "fas fa-photo-video"
- name: "Plex"
#icon: fas fa-compact-disc
logo: ""
subtitle: "Movies, TV, and Audio Books"
tag: "App"
url: ""
target: "_plex"
- name: "Overseerr"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Media Request Manager"
tag: "App"
url: ""
target: "_overseerr"
- name: "Sonarr"
logo: ""
subtitle: "TV Manager"
tag: "App"
url: ""
target: "_sonarr"
- name: "Radarr"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Movie Manager"
tag: "App"
url: ""
target: "_radarr"
- name: "Transmission"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Media Aquisition"
tag: "App"
url: ""
target: "_transmission"
- name: "prowlarr"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Indexer Manager/Proxy"
tag: "App"
url: ""
target: "_transmission"
- name: "Deluge"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Media Aquisition"
tag: "App"
url: ""
target: "deluge"
- name: "Infra Tools"
icon: "fas fa-tools"
- name: "Grafana"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Analytics and Visisualations"
tag: "Tools"
url: ""
target: "_grafana"
- name: "Rook"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Rook-Ceph Storage Cluster Dashboard"
tag: "Tools"
url: ""
target: "_rook"
- name: "NAS"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Synology NAS Dashboard"
tag: "Tools"
url: ""
target: "_nas"
- name: "Traefik"
logo: ""
subtitle: "K8s Ingress and Traffic Router"
tag: "Tools"
url: ""
target: "_traefik"
- name: "Cluster-Backup"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Local NAS Minio"
tag: "Tools"
url: ""
target: "_minio"
- name: "Logs"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Minio Loki Logs Storage Bucket"
tag: "Tools"
url: ""
target: "_minio"
- name: "Router"
logo: ""
subtitle: "Netgear Nighthawk - Tomato Router"
tag: "Tools"
url: ""
target: "_router"
| string |
boolean | |
image.pullPolicy (1) IfNotPresent | string |
image.repository (1) b4bz/homer | string |
image.tag (1) v23.05.1 | string |