VolSync is a Kubernetes operator for asynchronous data replication and backup of persistent volumes. It enables efficient synchronization between storage locations using rsync, restic, or Rclone, making it ideal for backups, disaster recovery, and data migration across clusters.
VolSync automates snapshot-based or file-based replication of PVCs, supporting:
Install with:
helm repo add backube https://backube.github.io/helm-charts/
helm install volsync backube/volsync -f values.yaml
See examples from other people.
Name | Repo | Stars | Version | Timestamp |
volsync | samip5/k8s-cluster | 124 | 0.12.1 | 41 minutes ago |
volsync | samip5/k8s-cluster | 124 | 0.12.1 | 42 minutes ago |
volsync | haraldkoch/kochhaus-home | 136 | 0.12.1 | 11 hours ago |
volsync | haraldkoch/kochhaus-home | 136 | 0.12.1 | 11 hours ago |
volsync | mchestr/home-cluster | 98 | 0.12.1 | a day ago |
See the most popular values for this chart:
Key | Types |
boolean | |
manageCRDs (98) true | boolean |
image.repository (18) ghcr.io/onedr0p/volsync | string |
image.tag (17) 0.12.0 | string |
number | |
restic.repository (18) ghcr.io/onedr0p/volsync | string |
restic.tag (17) 0.12.0 | string |
number, string | |
boolean | |
number, string | |
podSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type (12) RuntimeDefault | string |
number | |
rclone.repository (5) ghcr.io/onedr0p/volsync | string |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string | |
string |